CLASS 7 MODEL ACTIVITY TASK ENGLISH PART 3 -2020(NEW) // মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক - 3 সপ্তম শ্রেনী ENGLISH /ইংরেজি


মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক - 1

সপ্তম শ্রেনী

ENGLISH /ইংরেজি

১. উদাহরণসহ নিয়মিত ও বিক্ষিপ্ত প্রতিফলনের পার্থক্য লেখ।


Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

And then he would took off his coat, and begin. He would send the girl out for sixpen’orth of nails and hen one of the boys after her to tell her what size to get. Now you go and get me my hammer Will he would shout and you bring me the rule, Tom. I shall want the step- ladde and I had better have a kitchen-chair too. And don’t you go, Maria because I shall want somebody to hold me the light. When the girl comes back she must go outagain for a bit of picture cord. Tom  Where’s Tom Tom, you come here; I shall want you to hand me up the picture.


Activity 1

Tick  the correct alternatives :

(a) The nails cost --- i) five pennies, ii) six pennies, iii) seven pennies.     

Ans.  ii) six pennies


(b)Before beginning his job, Uncle Podger would --- i) took off his coat, ii) drink tea, iii) buy some nails.

Ans. i) took off his coat


(c)The girl would go out again to bring --- i) a kitchen-chair, ii) some more nails, iii) the cords.

Ans. iii) the cords                                                                                                                   


Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements in the given boxes. Give supporting sentences/statements from the text :

(a) Uncle Podger asked Aunt Maria to assist him with the chair.

 Ans.     F  

Supporting Sentence:  And don’t you go, Maria, because I shall want somebody to hold me the light.


(b)Two persons were engaged to bring the nails.

Ans.    T  

Supporting Sentence: He would send the girl out for sixpen’orth of nails, and then one of the boys after her to tell her what size to get.


(c) The first thing that Uncle Podger wanted was Will’s hammer.

Ans.    F  

Supporting Sentence: “Now you go and get me my hammer, Will,” he would shout,





Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the Verbs given in brackets. One is done for you:

Your examination is  going ( go ) on. It _will be__ ( be ) over in 10 days or so. It is hoped ( hope ) that many of you will do( do )well. However, after the examination, everyone will have to wait ( wait ) for the day when the result will be published  ( publish ).


Rewrite the sentences as directed :

(a) What a fool you are ! ( Turn into a Statement )

Ans. You are a great fool.

(b) Hang the picture on the wall. ( Change the Voice )

Ans. Let the picture be hanged on the wall.

(c) She is a happy woman. ( Turn into a Complex Sentence )

Ans. She is a woman who is happy.


Suppose one day you and your brother undertook a task of hanging a picture on the wall of your room. Write in your own words all the funny things that both of you did during the work in five complete sentences. Also, draw a picture of the rainbow and the landscape that you experienced.


Ans. Yesterday my brother and I took up the task of hanging a beautiful picture on the wall of my room. I got up on the chair to hang the picture. But unfortunately, my foot slipped and I fell to the floor. Then my brother got up in the chair and tried to put the nail into the wall. But at the first blow of the hammer, he smashed his thumb. He left the hammer in pain and it fell on my toes.



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